Hilda Baci, the stunning and charismatic Akwa Ibom babe, has made history by breaking a Guinness Book of Records. The record-breaking feat positions her as one of the most accomplished chefs in the world.

Hilda has always been passionate about cooking and creating exquisite dishes that leave a lasting impression on people’s taste buds.
Growing up in Akwa Ibom, Hilda honed her culinary skills through her mother’s guidance, who was also an excellent cook.
Her passion for cooking led her to pursue a career in the culinary arts after completing her studies at university. After years of relentless hard work and dedication to perfecting her craft, she finally achieved global recognition with this latest achievement.
All attention for the last 4 days has been on Hilda.

15 Things About Hilda Baci
- She must stand to cook, she is not not permitted to sit while cooking.
- Her real name is Hilda Bassey Effiong. She is a young Nigerian chef from Akwa Ibom State. She owes a food brand in Lagos called “My Food by Hilda”
- She will be cooking for 4 days non-stop.
- She’s not allowed to take coffee, stimulants, or any energy drink to artificially boost her energy and bodily strength while cooking
- She’s allowed to eat food, drink water or fruit juice, & take glucose.
- Whatever she cooks is shared to the people at the venue for FREE. She is not selling the food.

- She cooks different meals simultaneously. She is at liberty to cook any meal she likes. There are no restrictions as to what she can cook or not cook.
- The cooking is taking place at Amore Gardens, Lekki, Lagos State, Nigeria.
- She cooks round the clock, no sleep (Morning, afternoon, evening, and night. So, for 4 nights, she won’t sleep).
- She has just 5 minutes rest per hour [meaning for every 1 hour, she is entitled to just 5 minutes rest or break, that’s an hour break in every 12 hours].
- Every meal cooked and every plate served is recorded.
- To break the record, Hilda Baci is attempting to cook for 96 hours, using extra 9 hours to break the world record as the first human on earth to spend such an amount of time cooking a marathon.
- She tagged the cooking project “Cook-a-thon”,
- She started the cooking on Thursday and is expected to complete the target time frame by Monday 15th May, 2023 evening.
- The current holder of the title Hilda seeks to break is an Indian chef Lata Tandon, who set a Guinness World Record for cooking for 87 hours and 45 minutes non-stop in 2019.
- She appears exhausted already, but the people around her are cheering her on to boost her morale. And they are available with her as she cook 247, even at night.
- Most of the food items, ingredients, utensils, etc she used for this project are provided by her sponsors. So, the money expended on this project is not 100% from Hilda or her Food brand.
- Uber, one of her partners is offering a 40% discounted ride to the venue for people who wishes to join and cheer her up at the venue.
- Hilda’s mum is also a chef. She owes a food brand called “Calabar Pot”
- She is 27 years of age

“Cook-a-thon Chronicles: A Day in the Life of Hilda’s Kitchen”
The amount of research work that has gone into this is mind-blowing.
Hilda didn’t wake up one morning to discover that there is an Indian lady who holds the current Guinness World Record in cooking, and decided to break it.
She had a quantum amount of research into it. What should I cook? How can I source them? Who will eat it? How did the current record holder do it? What made her stop? What was her flaws? Which location will aid this journey? Who do I have to support me? What will it cost me?
These and many more were questions begging for answers. In 5 years, she gave answer to every single question.

1. She must have shared this dream with a lot of persons who saw her as being so stupid and discouraged her.
One of the biggest challenge for people is having the wrong set of people who do not believe in their dreams.
I won’t be surprised if her mom, immediate family and friends discouraged her from this journey.
Maybe, I would have done the same thing. I mean what in the world are doing cookathon for?
But, Hilda was deaf to every form of criticism. She’s made up her mind and she would do it.
I have always shared with some friends close to me that possibility happens the day one conceives an idea and has the audacity to believe it.
To me, Hilda has broken this record 5 years ago. Today, was simply the manifestation

2. She was spot-on with her PR/Marketing
She continued with media briefings. Blog posts, social media live sessions, announcing her partnerships, and all.
She was simply gathering all the attention to herself and her brand. Most of what she’s cooking was supplied by brands. Even Uber is giving 40% to commuters who are going to her venue.
3. Passion is Needed in anything Worthwhile
There is a limit to what anyone can do if you do not have passion.
Hilda couldn’t have gone this far without passion. The only thing that has kept Hilda going is passion. This is beyond entrepreneurship. It’s pure passion. This is a reminder to all of us to seek for our passion.
She took her mum’s local business and gave it a global touch. Today, she’s in the Guinness World Records.
4. You cannot arrive at stardom overnight.
None of us can arrive at stardom overnight. It must take time and processes. Anything that would stand the taste of time requires time.
I’m celebrating a young Nigerian girl who dared to continue with her mother’s business, had the courage to innovate the process, developed the thick skin to snub naysayers and pursue her dreams, and finally had the staying power to see it to a finishing line.
Generation unborn will be proud of you.

In conclusion, the story of the beautiful and charming Akwa Ibom babe who just broke the Guinness Book of Records is an inspiration to everyone.
Her determination, hard work, and resilience have paid off in a big way, and her achievement is a testament to what we can all accomplish if we put our minds to it.
This young lady has broken barriers and set a new standard for excellence, and we should all celebrate her success. Let us take this opportunity to learn from her example and strive to be the best versions of ourselves that we can be.
Congratulations to this amazing young woman on her incredible accomplishment!